Founding Members

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Founding Member Application

Founding Membership Type
Please Select Preferred:
*One time fee
Fill in Information
Company Information:
Primary Contact Information:
Corporate Representative:
Account Password:

Benefits of Founding Membership

  • Each founding membership comes with a complimentary 2-year Corporate Membership (Ordinary or Associate)* worth SGD$4,000.

    *FM companies, managing agents, developers / building owners with in-house FM teams and FM training organizations qualify as Ordinary 

    Members. All others are Associate, only ordinary members have the voting rights to select SIFMA Board members

  • Recognition of Founding Membership status at SIFMA website.
  • Right to print “Founding Member of SIFMA” on founding members’ marketing collaterals
  • Networking lunch with SIFMA President (Diamond only)

Payment Methods

Please Select the preferred payment method to use on this order: